You Make A Difference! Become a member and help conserve the 72-acre Park and Cave, provide children low-cost nature education, and maintain precious green space for our community to find common ground in nature. With no outside local, state, or federal funding, members really are the lifeblood of our organization; we can’t do it without you!

Annual Member Benefit$40$120$240$360$480$600$720
Cave Boat Tour Tickets-24681012
Discount at Lost River Cave Gift Shop15%15%15%15%15%15%15%
Discount on River Birch Room Rentals (max. 2/year)--10%10%25%25%50%
Early Event Notification and/or Access
Discount on Nature Programs25%25%25%25%25%25%25%
Special Member Events & Programs
*Memberships and benefits are on an annual basis. Benefits must be used within one year of making a membership gift.

Renew or become a member below! As a member, you support Lost River Cave’s mission to educate and enrich lives through connections with nature. That means you’ll help provide this fantastic 72-acre urban oasis for casual enjoyment, trail walking, nature education, and more! If you have any questions about membership, feel free to contact Kate at [email protected] or 270.393.0077.