Check out what we’ve been up to in the meadow!

The Meadow Restoration Project continues with the help of great volunteers: Earth Week volunteers cleared the way and meadow restoration volunteers followed up with a 3-day meadow planting.

Kathee Morgeson, our meadow expert, led the way and helped guide our volunteer teams as they planted 300 native plants, like dwarf irises and dutchman’s breeches in the meadow habitat. Some of the areas where they planted were cleared by Earth Week volunteers just the week before; they worked to remove large swaths of surrounding wintercreeper, an invasive vine that chokes out native plants like those found in a meadow.

We’re very excited to continue establishing this habitat that’s beginning to flourish and provide much-needed resources for native animals and insects, thanks to many years of hard work by Kathee and wonderful supporting volunteers. The effort will require persistent and vigilant care to foster a harmonious meadow habitat, a big part of which is removing wintercreeper. 

If you’d like to help, you can sign up to volunteer at one of our weekly VIP invasive plant pulls or contact Chad at [email protected].

Keep scrolling to check out photos from the 3-day planting!

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