This weekend we celebrated our first day of the Volunteer Invasive Plant Initiative in 2021! Click below to read more about this weekend and the volunteer-fueled program that meets every Saturday at Lost River Cave to help weed out non-native invasive plants.


“The Earth is what we all have in common.”- Wendell Berry


Since 1990 volunteers have conserved and preserved this 72-acre park, and the Lost River Cave team is grateful for every single person that participates in the volunteer opportunities. Volunteers benefit the local wildlife by restoring native habitats areas that invasive plants once consumed, and they benefit our local communities quality of life as well.


This first VIP we were joined by 8 young men from Delta Tau Delta of WKU. Some had been to the park for hiking, had visited when they were ten on a field trip, or were brought to the park for a university class. This weekend they came back to serve the Park that had served them, focusing on removing invasive and exotic plants from the meadow habitat that is undergoing restoration.


They made quick work of resetting the trail border to keep other visitors from encroaching into potential space for wildflowers and trees, removed wintercreeper patches to encourage more native plant growth, and removed unwanted brush piles.


Thank you, Delta Tau Delta, for your work this past weekend! It’s always wonderful to connect to the land with hands-on volunteerism and talk about nature with like-minded people.


The Volunteer Invasive Plant Initiative meets every Saturday to restore and conserve Lost River Cave’s habitats. If you’d like to join us next week to create space for native nature, or just need a few volunteer hours, sign up here!


Hope to see you next week!


Have questions about the Volunteer Invasive Plant Initiative? Contact Chad at [email protected].